Preparing the data


Each filter object should have the following properties:

  • id: integer value to set filter order at the interface;
  • key: property name, as used in scenario file;
  • label: short string describing the filter;
  • type: filter type, should be equal to range or options. Filtered types should match value types. If type is range, scenario values must be numerical, otherwise they should be strings;
  • timestep: should be equal to true or false, indicates if the filter can be applied to specific timestep years. If equal to true, the timestep years included at model config should in be used to compose property names from scenario files. Example: FinalElec2023, FinalElec2030. Even if the timestep is true the filter key should not contain the year.
  • options: if filter is of option type, this property should include an array of objects describing them, with the following properties:
    • id: integer option index, used to set options on the interface;
    • value: value to query scenario data;
    • label: short string describing the option, to display at the interface;