Preparing the data

Model configuration

A YAML file describes the model configuration and is used to set up the GEP Explorer. It must contain the following properties:

  • id: unique identifier for model. Can be any string, but ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country codes and a integer incremented between versions are recommended. The id and filename must match;
  • name: a short string describing model country, type and version;
  • description: a paragraph describing the model;
  • version: a string identifying a model version;
  • updatedAt : date of model creation or update, in ISO 8601 format;
  • country: country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format;
  • attribution: object describing model provider:
    • author: name of model provider;
    • url: URL to provider website;
  • timesteps: an array containing the intermediate and final years used on the model, in respective order;
  • levers: array of lever objects describing possible combinations of input variables used on the model. The order of the objects in the array determines the order in the interface.
  • filters: array of filter objects describing filters that can be applied to scenario data. The order of the objects in the array determines the order in the interface.
  • map: describes map configuration to be used at GEP Explorer with the following properties:
    • modelVT:
      • url: URL to vector tiles source, according to Mapbox GL JS specification;
      • id: layer name contained by the vector source which has scenarios geometries;
    • externalLayers: array of external layer objects describing WMS layers to be offered at contextual layers. The order of the objects in the array determines the order in the interface.
    • techLayersConfig: array of tech layer config objects to override default electrification types used by GEP.